Harry Styles Spent Over $1600 On Taylor Swift’s Birthday Gifts — Report

Written By Hollywood News Links on Saturday, 15 December 2012 | 14:53

Harry Styles Taylor Swift 1600 Dollars


When you are young and in love, you do everything to impress the one you are with, right? Well, when it comes to Harry Styles and what he spent on Taylor Swift for her birthday, you may be surprised!

Taylor Swift may have looked less than thrilled to pose for a picture in a Chinese restaurant while on a date with Harry Styles, but we are sure that she loved the gifts he got her for her birthday! And the amount he spent on her is amazing!

So what were the great gifts that Taylor received from her new love Harry? Pretty impressive stuff that The Sun reports as, "£1000 worth of gifts as her goodies included 'perfume, a £400 Jimmy Choo bag and antique earrings.'" That all adds up to over $1600 in American currency!

How great is Harry! We wonder if he thought about spending $1300 dollars to make sure he got her something that relates to her favorite number, but alas this relationship is just starting to brew, so there is plenty of time for those romantic gestures in the near future!

But now, Harry may have put himself in a bind — we are only a little over a week away from Christmas and he has to get something for her for the holiday that surpasses the gesture he provided for her birthday. We can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. But so far so good, Harry! Keep up the good work and you'll keep the girl!

So HollywoodLifers, do you think that Harry spent a lot more money then he should have for Taylor on her birthday?

The Daily Mail➚

Russ Weakland

Follow @mrsandwich96

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Source: http://www.hollywoodnewslinks.com/harry-styles-spent-over-1600-on-taylor-swifts-birthday-gifts-report/


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