Connecticut School Shooting: Complete List Of Victims’ Names

Written By Hollywood News Links on Saturday, 15 December 2012 | 14:53

Sandy Hook Shooting Victims


A complete list of victims' names has been released. Those who were killed by the kindergarten killer, Adam Lanza, on Dec. 14 will never be forgotten. So sad.

Victoria Soto, 27, Ana Marquez-Greene, 7, Jesse Lewis, 6, and Grace McDonnell, 6,  were just a small number of the victims who were killed by Adam Lanza on Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. While we already revealed a number of details about those victims, a full list of those who died on Dec. 14 has just been released.

The Full List Of Victims:

Charlotte Bacon, 6

Daniel Barden, 7

Rachel Davino, 29

Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6

Dylan Hockley, 6

Dawn Hocksprung, 47

Madeline Hsu, 6

Catherine Hubbard, 6

Chase Kowalski, 7

Jesse Lewis, 6

James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7

Anne Marie Murphy, 52

Emilie Parker, 6

Jack Pinto, 6

Noah Pozner, 6

Caroline Previdi, 6

Jessica Rekos, 6

Avielle Richman, 6

Lauren Russeau, 30

Mary Sherlach, 56

Victoria Soto, 27

Benjamin Wheeler, 6

Allison Wyatt, 6

President Obama's Address To A Saddened Country

On Dec. 14, President Barack Obama addressed a shaken and frightened nation, speaking not as a politician, but as a fellow parent. Overcome with his own grief, he had to take a moment to regain his composure and wipe tears from his eyes. "Tonight Michelle and I will do what I know every parent in America will do, we will hug our children a little tighter. And we will tell them that we love them," he said.

Our thoughts remain with the victims lost, their suffering families, and the shaken community of Newtown, CT. We can't imagine what they are feeling.

What do you think of this horrific situation, HollywoodLifers? Will this town ever recover? Will we as a nation?

— Chris Rogers


More On The Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy:

  1. Children Recall The Tragic Shooting At Connecticut Elementary School

  2. Alleged School Shooter Adam Lanza's Girlfriend Missing

  3. Hero Teacher Saved 15 Children During Connecticut School Shooting



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