Clint Eastwood Pledges Support for Gay Marriage

Written By Hollywood News Links on Sunday, 3 March 2013 | 01:42

He's one of the few big-time celebrities who is also a big-time Republican.

But Clint Eastwood has veered from the viewpoint of many Conservatives in one regard: the actor signed the American Foundation for Equal Rights's "Friend of the Court" brief this week.

In doing so, the actor became one of over 100 prominent Republicans to support this gay rights organization's document, which it has filed with the Supreme Court.

Clint Eastwood Image

In April, the highest court in the land will listen to arguments about the legality of California's Proposition 8, an amendment that passed in 2008 and which declares "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized" in that state.

Those such as Eastwood have affixed their name to this brief in the hope that this gay marriage ban will be overturned.

And recent poll revealed that 61 percent of CA residents would support marriage equality. Do you support it?



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