Merry Christmas, 'Doctor Who' Fans: Steven Moffat Says Movie 'Will Happen Someday'

Written By Hollywood News Links on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 | 11:09


The process of bringing a TV program to the big screen is often a wibbly wobbly, time-y wimey process (see: Arrested Development), but regardless — everyone but the Daleks should be thrilled about this news. Doctor Who's current showrunner Steven Moffat recently told Vulture that a movie about the beloved series would "definitely happen." Did he say when, or how? Err, no. But he made it clear that it would be a companion (get it?) to the TV show, and not a reboot like Harry Potter director David Yates' vision.

"I think it could be incredibly exciting to see that Tardis fly on the big screen," Moffat said. "It would just be how do we arrange it? And how do we make sure we have … no offense, but you suddenly take American money and they expect to tell you what to do and all that. I wouldn't be happy with that. But it will happen someday, I'm reasonably confident."

Well that's... vaguely promising? What do you think, Doctor fans — would you like to see what big screen money could do to Doctor Who? What villains would you like to see? Tell us in the comments, and check back later for our Christmas special recap!

Follow Shaunna on Twitter @HWShaunna


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